We are a team of physicians, researchers, data science and artificial intelligence experts, molecular biologists and developers working in personalized medicine.

Matias Butti.Co-founder

  • M.Sc. in Data Science (UBA – 2011).
  • Professor at UNLP, UAI and UNLAM.
  • Director of bioinformatics and functional oncogenomics research group at CAETI.

Sebastián Menazzi. Co-founder

  • Physician and clinical geneticist.
  • M.Sc. in Medical Molecular Biology (UBA-2018).
  • Professor at USAL, UBA and UNaM.
  • Member of the board of directors – Argentinian Society for Medical Genetics

Juan Garré.Partner

  • Business administrator and entrepreneur.
  • Experience in strategic consulting, finance, agribusiness, renewable energies, technology and genetics

Diego Teubal.Angel Investor

  • Industrial engineer.
  • Director at BGH SA.

Hernán Chanfreau. Biomedical Data scientist and bioinformatics.

  • 15 years’ experience in IT.
  • UNLP graduate, currently attending a Datamining M.SC. at UBA.

Santiago Rey Valzacchi.Zoigen’s Commercial director

  • Industrial Engineer
  • Currently attending Ms. in Strategic direction and Technology (ITBA)

Inti Pagnuco.Bioinformatics

  • Data science PhD.
  • Specialist in biostatistics.

Gastón Ducloux.Bioinformatics

  • Licenciado en Informática (UNLP)
  • Currently attending Ms.Sc. in bioinformatics (UNQ).
  • 15 years’ experience in IT.

Ezequiel Geli.Project management.

  • Industrial engineer (UBA – 2012)
  • M.Sc. Project Management (Northeastern Univ.)
  • New technologies development specialist (Ajou Univ.)

Javier Bazzocco.IT

  • M.Sc in Software engineer (UNLP 2005).
  • Graduate and postgraduate professor at UNLP, UCA and UAI.
  • 20 years’ experience in the industry, including engineering, architecture and project coordination.
  • Co-founder and president of ZinbigIT

Alfredo Fidani.IT

  • Informatics degree at UNLP.
  • 15 years’ experience in IT project management
  • Co-founder of ZinbigIT