28 October, 2019

genomIT founds CursosGenetica.com

We are excited to announce that genomIT, in partnership with the elearningmedicina.com training team, launched the online course platform of Genetics and Genomics CursosGenetica.com.

This new initiative seeks to train Spanish-speaking health professionals in various areas of genetics related to human health, so that they can acquire knowledge about the indications and interpretation of genetic tests, the approach to disorders with genetic component and rare diseases, in addition to the complexities of genetic counselling, so that, ultimately, more patients can access the benefits of Precision Medicine. The platform currently offers a general course in Genomics and one on genetic aspects of Cancer, and courses will gradually be incorporated to train professionals of different specialties.

In this way we reaffirm our commitment to the community of health professionals and patients, since we understand that the adequate training of human resources in these subjects is fundamental for the advancement in this science.
Congratulations to the entire team involved, and we wish them every success in this new venture!